Dibuka pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana untuk Semester Genap 2012/2013 (Periode Maret 2013). Kami menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Program Studi Magister Manajemen (MM), Magister Akuntansi (MAKSI), Magister Ilmu Komputer (MKOM), dan Magister Ilmu Komunikasi (MIKOM). Untuk Syarat Pendaftaran dapat dilihat di INFO PENDAFTARAN sedang Rincian Biaya Pendidikan.
Minggu, 11 November 2012
universitas budi luhur terbagus di jakarta
Telah dibuka pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana untuk Semester Gasal 2012/2013. Kami menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Program Studi Magister Manajemen (MM), Magister Akuntansi (MAKSI), dan Magister Ilmu Komputer (MKOM). Untuk Syarat Pendaftaran dapat dilihat di INFO PENDAFTARAN sedang Rincian Biaya Pendidikan dan Prosedur Pendaftaran dapat diklik di sini, Batas Akhir Pendaftaran sampai dengan 14 Juli 2012.
universitas budi luhur terbagus di jakarta
Ujian dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 29 Oktober – 3 November 2012
Bagi mahasiswa yang terdapat ujian bentrok/sakit/tugas kantor, harap hubungi sekretariat untuk mendaftar ujian susulan dengan melampirkan fotocopy KST/surat dokter/surat tugas paling lambat tanggal 18 Oktober 2012. Nilai maksimal untuk ujian susulan dan pelanggaran adalah 85% dari nilai ujian akhir.
Ujian Susulan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 05 November 2012 dengan membawa surat ujian susulan.
Bagi mahasiswa yang terdapat ujian bentrok/sakit/tugas kantor, harap hubungi sekretariat untuk mendaftar ujian susulan dengan melampirkan fotocopy KST/surat dokter/surat tugas paling lambat tanggal 18 Oktober 2012. Nilai maksimal untuk ujian susulan dan pelanggaran adalah 85% dari nilai ujian akhir.
Ujian Susulan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 05 November 2012 dengan membawa surat ujian susulan.
universitas budi luhur terbagus di jakarta
Jakarta-26 April 2012 Tim Dosen Fakultas Teknik berkunjung ke SMA Negeri
47 Jakarta. Pada kesempatan ini, telah dilakukan penandatanganan
perjanjian kerjasama bidang TIK antara Fakultas Teknik UBL dengan SMA
Negeri 47 oleh Dekan Fakultas Teknik, Sujono, ST.MT. dan Kepala SMAN 47
Drs. Syafruddin Yusuf, MPd. Langkah pertama dalam tindak lanjut
perjanjian kerjasama ini adalah ”Pelatihan Aplikasi Wireless dan
Mikrokontroller” di hari yang sama. Pada tanggal 21 Mei 2012, dilakukan
kegiatan kerjasama yang kedua berupa pendampingan dan pembimbingan pada
tim ekstrakurikuler robotik SMAN 47 untuk Lomba Robot Line Follower
tingkat SMA di USNI. Dengan kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh SMAN 47
kepada Fakultas Teknik UBL, direncanakan kedepannya akan dilakukan
kegiatan rutin pembinaan ekstrakurikuler Robotik secara bertahap,
dimulai dari pelatihan elektronika dasar (Protel) dilanjtkan dengan
pelatihan mikrokontroller sebagai dasar pembentukan tim Robotik SMAN 47
yang mampu bersaing di tingkat SMA.
Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012
Limp Bizkit
Limp Bizkit is an American nu metal band from Jacksonville, Florida. As of 2012, the band consists of Fred Durst (vocals), Wes Borland (guitar), Sam Rivers (bass) and John Otto (drums). Formed in 1994, Limp Bizkit started playing in the Jacksonville underground music scene in the mid 1990s, signing with Flip Records and releasing their début album Three Dollar Bill, Yall$ in 1997. The band achieved mainstream success and notoriety with their second and third studio albums, Significant Other (1999) and Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water (2000). To date, the group has sold over 33 million records worldwide.
Borland left the group in 2001, and Durst, Rivers, Otto and Lethal continued to record and tour with guitarist Mike Smith. Following the release of their album Results May Vary (2003), Borland rejoined the band and recorded The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1) (2005) with Durst, Rivers, Lethal and drummer Sammy Siegler
before going on hiatus. In 2009, the band's original lineup reunited
and began touring, culminating with the recording of the album Gold Cobra (2011), after which they left Interscope and later signed with Cash Money Records.
Secondhand Serenade
Secondhand Serenade is an acoustic rock band, led by vocalist and guitarist John Vesely. Vesely has released three studio albums to date under the name Secondhand Serenade: Awake in 2007, A Twist in My Story in 2008 and Hear Me Now in 2010. The debut album used multitrack recording to create the sound of a band using technology,[2] while the second album took a different path, using a proper band and synthesizers to establish a more accomplished sound.[3]
MxPx is an American punk rock band from Bremerton, Washington with connections to the Christian punk scene.[1] The band has recorded nine studio albums, four EPs, four compilation albums, a live album, a VHS tape, a DVD and released 20 singles. As of 2012, they have been together for 20 years.
All the members of the band are Christians, and this is reflected in
some of the band's songs. However, they prefer not to be called a
Christian band.[2]
On the topic of their faith, Mike Herrera has been quoted saying "We
are Christian. It’s not a cult or something. It’s part of our story and I
guess it’s different and controversial. But it’s a personal thing. It’s
what we choose to believe. That’s all there is to it. We don’t preach
to anyone."[3]
Green Day
Green Day adalah band punk rock asal Amerika yang dibentuk pada tahun 1987 di Berkeley, California. Band ini terdiri dari trio Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, dan Tre Cool. Green Day sangat diakui karena keberhasilan mereka dalam membuat genre punk rock kembali terkenal, bersama-sama dengan Sublime, The Offspring, dan Rancid.[1][2][3]
Pada tahun 1990, bersama dengan drummer pertama mereka, John Kiffmeyer, Green Day merekam album pertama mereka, 39/Smooth.
Namun pada tahun yang sama, Tre Cool menggantikan menggantikan posisi
drummer John Kiffmeyer yang keluar karena ingin melanjutkan kuliah. Tré
Cool kemudian mulai berkontribusi pada album kedua Green Day, Kerplunk, dan telah menjadi anggota tetap sejak itu. Album terobosan Green Day, Dookie, yang dirilis pada tahun 1994, berhasil mendapatkan status diamond dari RIAA dan membawa Green Day ke puncak karier mereka. Namun, bertolakbelakang dengan Dookie, tiga album Green Day berikutnya, berturut-turut Insomniac, Nimrod, dan Warning, gagal mendapatkan sukses seperti Dookie. Meski Insomniac dan Nimrod berhasil mendapatkan status platinum dan Warning
mendapatkan status emas, ketiga album tersebut justru memperlihatkan
popularitas mereka yang secara keseluruhan menurun drastis.[4] Adalah album rock opera mereka pada tahun 2004, American Idiot, yang mengembalikan popularitas mereka, terutama dengan penggemar dari generasi yang lebih muda. American Idiot terjual lebih dari 5 juta copy di Amerika Serikat sendiri.[4] Album kedelapan mereka, 21st Century Breakdown, dirilis pada 2009 dan berhasil mendapatkan kinerja chart terbaik sepanjang karier Green Day.[5] Green Day berencana akan merilis album trilogi dalam selang waktu lima bulan terhitung sejak September 2012.[6] Ketiga album tersebut benama ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, dan ¡Tré!.[6]
Green Day telah menjual lebih dari 65 juta copy album mereka di seluruh dunia dengan 24,639 juta di Amerika Serikat sendiri.[7] Green Day telah memenangkan 5 penghargaan Grammy Awards: Best Alternative Album untuk Dookie, Best Rock Album untuk American Idiot, Record of the Year untuk "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", Best Rock Album untuk kedua kalinya untuk 21st Century Breakdown dan Best Musical Show Album untuk American Idiot: The Original Broadway Cast Recording.
My Chemical Romance
My Chemical Romance adalah grup musik asal New Jersey, yang dibentuk pada bulan September tahun 2001 oleh Gerard Way dan Matt Pelissier. Saat ini, band ini beranggotakan Gerard Way (vokal), Mikey Way (bass), Ray Toro (lead guitar), Frank Iero (gitar), dan Mike Pedicone
(drum) yang menggantikan Bob Bryar yang merupakan drummer sebelumnya
yang keluar pada Maret 2010. Nama band ini terinspirasi oleh buku
karangan Irvine Welsh yaitu Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance.
My Chemical Romance adalah grup band yang menurut media bergenre pop punk,[1] post-hardcore,[1] "punk revival",[1] rock alternatif. Namun grup ini mendeskripsikan musik mereka sebagai musik "rock" atau "pop yang kasar",[2] dan menolak diklasifikasikan sebagai emo.[3] Grup ini telah merilis empat album yaitu I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love pada tahun 2002, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge pada tahun 2004, The Black Parade pada tahun 2006 dan Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys yang dirilis pada tanggal 22 November 2010.
Band ini mendapat inspirasi dari Queen, Black Flag, Iron Maiden, The Misfits, Morissey, At the Gates, Pink Floyd, The Smashing Pumpkins, Descendents, Pantera, The Cure, dan The Smiths. Selain terinspirasi, mereka juga menginspirasi sekelompok anak muda asal Indonesia yang akrab disebut kelompok SGW.
My Chemical Romance adalah grup band yang menurut media bergenre pop punk,[1] post-hardcore,[1] "punk revival",[1] rock alternatif. Namun grup ini mendeskripsikan musik mereka sebagai musik "rock" atau "pop yang kasar",[2] dan menolak diklasifikasikan sebagai emo.[3] Grup ini telah merilis empat album yaitu I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love pada tahun 2002, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge pada tahun 2004, The Black Parade pada tahun 2006 dan Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys yang dirilis pada tanggal 22 November 2010.
Band ini mendapat inspirasi dari Queen, Black Flag, Iron Maiden, The Misfits, Morissey, At the Gates, Pink Floyd, The Smashing Pumpkins, Descendents, Pantera, The Cure, dan The Smiths. Selain terinspirasi, mereka juga menginspirasi sekelompok anak muda asal Indonesia yang akrab disebut kelompok SGW.
Bon Jovi adalah band rock Amerika serikat dari Sayreville, New
Jersey. Dibentuk pada tahun 1983, Bon Jovi terdiri dari vokalis dan
senama 'Jon Bon Jovi' (John Francis Bongiovi, Jr), gitaris Richie
Sambora, keyboardist David Bryan, Tico Torres drummer serta bassis saat
Hugh McDonald [1]. The band line-up memiliki sebagian besar tetap statis
selama sejarah mereka, kecuali hanya menjadi keberangkatan Alec John
Such pada tahun 1994, yang secara tidak resmi digantikan oleh Hugh
McDonald. Band ini menjadi terkenal karena menulis beberapa lagu-lagu
rock, dan mendapat pengakuan luas dengan album ketiga mereka Slippery
When Wet, yang dirilis pada tahun 1986. Setelah berkeliling dan
perekaman non-stop selama 1980-an, band ini melanjutkan hiatus setelah
New Jersey Tour pada tahun 1990, selama waktu Jon Bon Jovi dan Richie
Sambora kedua merilis album solo yang sukses. Pada tahun 1992, band
kembali dengan album Keep The Faith. Mereka merilis single "It's My
Life", yang mengikuti hiatus kedua, berhasil memperkenalkan band ke
khalayak yang lebih muda. Bon Jovi telah dikenal menggunakan gaya yang
berbeda dalam musik mereka, yang mencakup negara untuk tahun 2007 album
mereka Lost Highway. Album terbaru mereka, The Circle, dirilis pada
tanggal 10 November 2009 di Amerika Serikat.
Sepanjang karir mereka, band ini telah merilis sebelas album studio,
tiga album kompilasi dan satu album live, dan telah terjual 130 juta
album di seluruh dunia. Mereka telah melakukan lebih dari 2.600 konser
di lebih dari 50 negara selama lebih dari 34 juta fans, dan dilantik ke
Inggris Music Hall of Fame pada tahun 2006. Band ini juga dihormati
dengan Penghargaan of Merit di American Music Awards pada tahun 2004,
dan sebagai penulis lagu dan kolaborator, Jon Bon Jovi dan Richie
Sambora dilantik menjadi penulis lagu Hall of Fame pada tahun 2009. Pada
tanggal 28 September 2010, Bon Jovi dinominasikan untuk Rock and Roll
Hall of Fame, namun pada tanggal 15 Desember 2010 itu diumumkan bahwa
Bon Jovi tidak membuat itu.
Slipknot adalah sebuah band beraliran Nu Metal dari Des Moines, Iowa yang dibentuk pada 1995, Band ini telah beberapa kali mengganti anggotanya dan memiliki anggota tetap sejak 1999 yaitu: Sid Wilson, Joey Jordison, Paul Gray, Chris Fehn, James Root, Craig Jones, Shawn "Clown" Crahan, Mick Thomson, dan Corey Taylor. Sampai sekarang Slipknot Telah Nerilis 4 Buah Album, Band ini juga pernah mendapatkan Grammy Awards
untuk kategori Best Metal Performance untuk lagu "Before I forget" pada
tahun 2006, album ke 5 mereka yang bertajuk "All Hope Is Gone" telah
dirilis pada 26 Agustus 2008
Boyce Avenue
Boyce Avenue is an American mainstream rock band. It was formed in Sarasota, Florida,
by the brothers Alejandro, Daniel and Fabian Manzano. The band is named
after a combination of two streets the brothers lived on as children.
As of August 9, 2011, they are no longer signed to Universal Republic and have started their own independent record label called 3 Peace Records.
Boyce Avenue formed in 2004 when Daniel moved back to Florida after graduating from Harvard Law School. Alejandro and Fabian were both attending classes at the University of Florida. Both carried on to graduate before leaving the university.
In 2007, Boyce Avenue began posting videos of original music and covers of popular songs on YouTube. Many of these covers have reached over 10,000,000 views and have been released in EPs digitally by 3 Peace Records. While producing the videos for YouTube, Boyce Avenue continued to create original material for their EP, All You're Meant To Be, which was released on March 3, 2008. In January 2009, the band performed a stand-alone sold-out show in New York City at the Mercury Lounge.
With their sights set on connecting with their online fan base, the
band turned their attention to touring, playing four headlining shows in
the Philippines.[1][2] Shortly following this, the band began its first tour of the US.
The band then launched a tour of Europe, including dates in Germany,
Ireland and the UK. In early 2010, they returned to the Philippines to
play festivals with Kris Allen[3] and the Jabbawockeez. This was followed by a spring revisit tour of Europe in 2010.
As of March 2010, they are the second most searched for band on YouTube, behind Linkin Park[4]
with over 600 million views and counting, and are known for their
distinct cover songs and emotional original music. Boyce Avenue
frequently tours the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Continental Europe,
Australia, and Southeast Asia[5]
On January 23, 2010, the band signed with Universal Republic[6] and had a debut album, entitled All We Have Left,
released on June 15, 2010. The album was produced and financed entirely
by Boyce Avenue prior to being signed to Universal Republic. The album
contains reworked songs from All You're Meant To Be and new songs
written for the album. The album's first single, "Every Breath", was
released digitally on March 16, 2010. The music video for "Every Breath"
was released on March 20, 2010.
On YouTube, Boyce Avenue releases original music as well as covers of
popular and classic songs. Boyce Avenue has also collaborated with
other YouTube artists such as Kina Grannis, Tiffany Alvord, Megan Nicole, Alex Goot, Megan & Liz, David Choi, Tyler Ward, Savannah Outen, Jourdy Suparjo, Cobus Potgieter and DeStorm.
In November 2011, they released their original music video, "Dare to
Believe." In December 2011 they received one million subscribers on YouTube and thanked the subscribers by posting the official music video of Find Me, from their album All We Have Left.
On April 16, 2012, Boyce Avenue released the official video for their
song Broken Angel as a worldwide debut through Q Magazine and YouTube.[7] Boyce Avenue is currently working on a music video for their song On My Way, for release this summer.
As of August 9, 2011, they are no longer signed with Universal Republic and produce their CDs through their own label, 3 Peace Records.
As of June 4, 2012, Boyce Avenue is number 18 on the Billboard Social
50 chart, ahead of artists like Coldplay, Green Day, and Alicia Keys,
and has spent 48 weeks on the chart.[8]
In November 2011, Boyce Avenue was invited to play at the MTV EMAs in
Belfast at City Hall, along with Snow Patrol and Jason Derulo.
Paramore is an American rock band from Franklin, Tennessee, formed in 2004. The band currently consists of lead vocalist Hayley Williams, bassist Jeremy Davis, and guitarist Taylor York. The group released its debut album All We Know Is Falling in 2005, and its second album Riot! in 2007, which was certified Platinum in the US and The Republic of Ireland and Gold in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK.Brand New Eyes, Paramore's third album, was released in 2009 and is the band's highest charting album to date, going platinum in the UK and the Republic of Ireland and gold in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.[1]
Nirvana was an American rock band that was formed by singer/guitarist Kurt Cobain and bassist Krist Novoselic in Aberdeen, Washington in 1987. Nirvana went through a succession of drummers, the longest-lasting being Dave Grohl, who joined the band in 1990.
In the late 1980s Nirvana established itself as part of the Seattle grunge scene, releasing its first album Bleach for the independent record label Sub Pop
in 1989. The band eventually came to develop a sound that relied on
dynamic contrasts, often between quiet verses and loud, heavy choruses.
After signing to major label DGC Records, Nirvana found unexpected success with "Smells Like Teen Spirit", the first single from the band's second album Nevermind (1991). Nirvana's sudden success widely popularized alternative rock
as a whole, and the band's frontman Cobain found himself referred to in
the media as the "spokesman of a generation", with Nirvana being
considered the "flagship band" of Generation X.[1] Nirvana's third studio album In Utero
(1993), challenged the group's audience, featuring an abrasive,
less-mainstream sound. The album didn't match the sales figures of Nevermind but was still a commercial success.
Nirvana's brief run ended following the death of Kurt Cobain in 1994, but various posthumous releases have been issued since, overseen by Novoselic, Grohl, and Cobain's widow Courtney Love. Since its debut, the band has sold over 25 million records in the United States alone, and over 75 million records worldwide.[2][3]
Dream theater
Dream Theater is an American progressive metal band formed in 1985 under the name Majesty by John Petrucci, John Myung, and Mike Portnoy while they attended Berklee College of Music in Massachusetts.
They subsequently dropped out of their studies to further concentrate
on the band that would ultimately become Dream Theater. Though a number
of lineup changes followed, the three original members remained together
along with James LaBrie and Jordan Rudess until September 8, 2010 when Portnoy left the band. In October 2010, the band held auditions for a drummer to replace Portnoy. Mike Mangini was announced as the new permanent drummer on April 29, 2011.
The band is well known for the technical proficiency of its
instrumentalists, who have won many awards from music instruction
magazines. Guitarist John Petrucci has been named as the third player on
the G3 tour six times, more than any invited players. In 2009 he was named the No. 2 best metal guitarist by Joel McIver in his book The 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists. He was also named as one of the "Top 10 Fastest Shredders of All Time" by GuitarOne magazine.[1] Former drummer Mike Portnoy has won 23 awards from Modern Drummer
magazine and is also the second youngest person (at the age of 37) to
be inducted into the Rock Drummer Hall of Fame. His replacement Mike
Mangini has also previously set 5 WFD records.[2] John Myung was voted the greatest bassist of all time in a poll conducted by MusicRadar in August through September 2010. The band was inducted into the Long Island Music Hall of Fame in 2010.[3]
The band's highest-selling album is the gold-selling Images and Words (1992), which reached No. 61 on the Billboard 200 chart.[4] Both the 1994 release Awake and their 2002 release Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence also entered the charts at No. 32 and No. 46 respectively and received mostly positive reviews. Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory, which also became gold certified, was ranked number 95 on the October 2006 issue of Guitar World magazine's list of The greatest 100 guitar albums of all time.[5] It is ranked as the 15th Greatest Concept Album (as of March, 2003) by Classic Rock Magazine.[6] Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence also led to Dream Theater becoming the initial band reviewed in the music section of Entertainment Weekly during its opening week of release, despite the magazine generally preferring more mainstream music. In 2007, Systematic Chaos entered U.S. Billboard 200 at No. 19.[4] By 2008, Dream Theater had sold over 2.1 million albums in the U.S. and by 2011, over 12 million records worldwide.[7]
The band's eleventh studio album, A Dramatic Turn of Events, was released on September 13, 2011. It entered the U.S. Billboard 200 at No. 8, two positions lower than their previous release Black Clouds & Silver Linings which entered the Billboard 200 chart at No. 6. The album is the band's first with Mike Mangini, since Mike Portnoy's departure.[8] On November 30, 2011 it was announced that On the Backs of Angels was nominated for a Grammy Award in the "Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance" category, marking the band's first ever Grammy nomination.[9]
Mr. Big
Mr Big adalah grup hard rock yang dibentuk pada tahun 1988. Band ini
adalah kuartet terdiri dari Eric Martin (vokal), Paul Gilbert (gitar),
Billy Sheehan (bass), dan Pat Torpey (drum); Mr Big juga termasuk Richie
Kotzen, seorang gitaris blues berbasis reputasi yang menggantikan
Gilbert pada tahun 1999 . band ini dikenal terutama untuk musik yang
mereka, dan mencetak sejumlah hit. [1] lagu mereka sering ditandai
dengan vokal yang kuat dan harmoni vokal. hit mereka termasuk "To Be
With You" nomor (100 Billboard Hot satu pun di 15 negara selama
berminggu-minggu, tahun 1991) dan "Green-tinted Sixties Mind".
Mr Big tetap aktif dan populer selama lebih dari dua dekade, meskipun
konflik internal dan perubahan tren musik. Mereka bubar pada tahun
2002, tetapi setelah permintaan dari penggemar bersatu kembali pada
tahun 2009; tur pertama mereka di Jepang, pada Juni 2009.
Muse are an English rock band from Teignmouth, Devon, formed in 1994. The band consists of school friends Matthew Bellamy (lead vocals, lead guitar, piano, keyboards,keytar), Christopher Wolstenholme (bass, vocals, keyboards, rhythm guitar, harmonica) and Dominic Howard (drums, percussion, synthesisers, sampling). After the release of their 2006 album Black Holes and Revelations, keyboardist and percussionist Morgan Nicholls has performed live with the band. Muse are known for their energetic and extravagant live performances[1][2] and their fusion of many music genres, including space rock, progressive rock, alternative rock, heavy metal, classical music and electronica.[3]
Muse have released six studio albums: Showbiz (1999), Origin of Symmetry (2001),Absolution (2003), Black Holes and Revelations (2006), The Resistance (2009) andThe 2nd Law (2012). They have also issued three live albums, Hullabaloo Soundtrack(2002), which is also a compilation of B-sides, Absolution Tour (2005), and HAARP(2008), which documents the band's performance at Wembley Stadium in 2007.[4]
Black Holes and Revelations earned the band a Mercury Prize nomination and a third place finish in the NME Albums of the Year list for 2006.[5] Muse have also woncollection of music awards throughout their history, including five MTV Europe Music Awards, five Q Awards, eight NME Awards, two Brit Awards—winning "Best British Live Act" twice, an MTV Video Music Award, four Kerrang! Awards and an American Music Award. They were also nominated for three Grammy Awards,[6] of which they won Best Rock Album, for their fifth studio album The Resistance.[7] Muse have sold over 15 million albums worldwide.[8]
green day
Green Day is an American punk rock band formed in 1987. The band consists of lead vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong, bassist and backing vocalist Mike Dirnt, and drummer Tre Cool. Cool replaced former drummer John Kiffmeyer in 1990, prior to the recording of the band's second studio album, Kerplunk (1992).
Green Day was originally part of the punk scene at 924 Gilman Street in Berkeley, California. The band's early releases were from the independent record labelLookout! Records. In 1994, its major label debut Dookie released through Reprise Records became a breakout success and eventually sold over 10 million copies in the U.S.[1] Green Day was widely credited, alongside fellow California punk bandsSublime,[2] The Offspring and Rancid, with popularizing and reviving mainstream interest in punk rock in the United States.[3][4] Green Day's three follow-up albums,Insomniac (1995), Nimrod (1997), and Warning (2000) did not achieve the massive success of Dookie, though they were still successful, with Insomniac and Nimrodreaching double platinum and Warning reaching gold status.[5] The band's rock opera, American Idiot (2004), reignited the band's popularity with a younger generation, selling five million copies in the United States.[5] The band's eighth studio album, 21st Century Breakdown, was released in 2009 which achieved the band's best chart performance to date.[6] The band will begin to release a trilogy of albums called ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, and ¡Tré!, to be released September 25, 2012, November 13, 2012, and January 15, 2013 respectively.[7]
Green Day has sold over 65 million records worldwide with 25 million in the US alone.[8] The group has won five Grammy Awards: Best Alternative Album forDookie, Best Rock Album for American Idiot, Record of the Year for "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", Best Rock Album for the second time for 21st Century Breakdownand Best Musical Show Album for American Idiot: The Original Broadway Cast Recording. In 2010, a stage adaptation of American Idiot debuted on Broadway. The musical was nominated for several Tony Awards, including Best Musical and Best Scenic Design.
Blink 182
Blink-182 (stylised blink-182) is an American rock band consisting of vocalist and bass guitarist Mark Hoppus, vocalist and guitarist Tom DeLonge, and drummer Travis Barker. They have sold over 28 million albums worldwide since forming in Poway, California in 1992. With original drummer Scott Raynor they released their debut album Cheshire Cat in 1994 and achieved moderate success with its follow-up, 1997's Dude Ranch, which went on to sell over one million copies. Raynor was replaced by Barker midway through a 1998 tour.
The band achieved greater success with 1999's multi-platinum selling Enema of the State, which reached number 9 on the Billboard 200 on the strength of the singles "What's My Age Again?" and "All the Small Things", the latter of which became the highest-charting song of their career by reaching number 6 on the Billboard Hot 100. Blink-182 gained popularity for their irreverent sense of humor, and the follow-up album Take Off Your Pants and Jacket (2001) reached number 1 in the United States, Canada, and Germany. Theeponymously-titled Blink-182 followed in 2003 and marked a stylistic shift for the group, infusing experimental elements into their usual pop punk formula, resulting in a more mature sound.
DeLonge left Blink-182 in early 2005, sending the band into indefinite hiatus. Hoppus and Barker formed a new band, +44, while DeLonge formed his own act, Angels & Airwaves. Hoppus also pursued a career as a television host while Barker continued working in music as a producer and solo artist. Blink-182 reunited in February 2009 and their sixth studio album, Neighborhoods,was released in September 2011.
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